Why isn’t Atty. William Gilmour of Brampton ever prosecuted for his courtroom crimes? The answer will put your jaw on the floor…

Prepare to be outraged

Atty. Bill Gilmour is a jovial fellow to be sure, but his courtroom crimes are second to none. When his clients object to his billing fraud and refuse to pay up, he promptly resorts to extortion, blackmail, or manages to “misplace” your best evidence required for your case. If you stand firm and pursue an assessment hearing you will get an unexpected visit from Revenue Canada or a City Inspector wanting to audit or cite you accordingly and you will never think Gilmour arranged for the unpleasant surprise. Continue to ignore him and may even get arrested and discover that Bill had the balls to call the coppers and falsely claim that you tried to kill him after receiving your legal bill. It will make sense to the cops – after all you did seek an assessment right? But eventually the truth will leak out and you will discover you weren’t the first to stand up to this legal bully who normally victimizes women or foreign clients, even one with an autistic child.

Sometimes this jerk will even boast how he will force you to comply with his demands and he’ll never once think that his client secretly recorded him. His last resort of revenge is usually a frivolous law suit designed only to make you spend money on a lawyer to defend yourself against his false claims, and/or file a lien on anything you own. Then he will taunt you to the point where you might actually start having evil thoughts and start praying that God blesses him with a stroke, heart attack, or car accident! Some people have likened him to a a pile of

Atty. Bill Gilmour on a good day

But after you discover that you are just one of 2-3 dozen client victims of Atty. William Gilmour, you will surely ask yourself the same question we all pondered… Why isn’t this brazen criminal being prosecuted? Don’t think for a moment a few Crown Attorneys haven’t tried and would love to see him behind bars. But Gilmour is no dummy friends. He has spent plenty of time and money to befriend a handful of senior justices (judges) at the Tom Davis Courthouse where 80% of his cases are decided. He has officially joined Canada’s “Legal Mafia” Huh? WTF is the Legal Mafia you ask? Well this gentlemen explains it far better than I ever could, so please enlighten yourself… https://thelegalmafia.wordpress.com

Atty. William on a bad day.

So rather than complicate your life even more, ignore the impressive sales pitch of Bill Gilmour and find yourself a young lawyer only 2-3 years out of law school busting his ass to make a name for themself, and if you are in the right, you will prevail in court. But if you are in the wrong and have the extra money to cover the costs of bribes, then by all means, Atty. Bill Gilmour is your man. But when he asks you to fill out a “confidential survey” from him, take a pass. That survey, if completed, becomes his ammunition to squeeze every dollar he possibly can out of you and truly, he will stop at nothing as you can see here; https://forum.legaljunkies.com/forum/attorneys-courts-litigation/attorneys-and-legal-ethics/91394-solicitor-william-gilmour-caught-red-handed-selling-client-s-legal-filres-for-50-000. Gilmour will even call your family and friends behind your back and say you told him to call and ask for some help with your legal fees. You will probably find out when those friends eventually ask you to repay their “loan” and you wonder what the hell they are talking about?

But you will certainly be impressed with his gift of gab and “knowledge” of the law, but that little monologue he gave you is a well-rehearsed skit that he has been using for over a decade on every prospective mark, er, ah… I mean client he meets. He will even give you a business card with 3 names and numbers scribbled on the back, and tell you “these are former clients I kept out of jail, despite a mountain of evidence against them” and he will suggest that you give them a call. After all they are 3 Peel cop friends have been paid to give you glowing reports about this shyster who is no stranger at the Ontario Law Society https://gilmourlawsocietycomplaint.wordpress.com Funny thing however, Gilmour always forgets to tell you about his own arrests for assaulting a minor on August 14th 2001 in Brampton, his own DUIs and his “misunderstanding” with a dancer at House of Lancaster strip club some people would call a sexual assault. Apparently for the right amount of money, some witnesses lose their memory and victims go on expensive vacations, some even call deportations.

Atty. Bill Gilmour on a normal day

You have officially been warned fellow-Canadian. Btw… if you wondered why Gilmour called you out of the blue, it was no accident. He pays people $1,000 cash to make legal referrals to him, and those folks obviously think more about the money than your grief. https://forum.legaljunkies.com/forum/lawyers-and-law-firms-listings-free/united-states-and-canada/1932-the-case-of-solicitor-william-gilmour-should-he-be-disbarred